Friday, July 30, 2010

A little about me

So, heres the skinny...

I am:
  • in my twenties
  • female
  • a teacher
  • technically "obese"
I love:
  • my dog
  • planting things
  • sewing
  • running (don't get your hopes up)
  • FOOD
I hate:
  • being measured and weighed at the gym
  • correct portion sizes
  • doing the dishes
  • feeling like a blob
 For the sake of this blog (and you, dear reader) I am going to try:
  • to like lentils
  • to not have seconds
  • to run to the ends of the earth
  • to get my booty into shape
  • to document all of this nonsense on the internet for you to poke and laugh at.


    Hello, I'm Everybody and I'm on a diet!  Well, not yet.  I've struggled with eating my entire life, and am most recently quitting a two year long adventure with Weight Watchers to try something new.

    Here is a snippit of me from last Tuesday.  ew.

    I mean, better than it was, but still.

    Just like anybody, I - Everybody - have been unhappy with my body for a long time.  The purpose of this blog is to present my eating and running around adventures and brainstorms in an anonymous, easy to relate, manner.